Project Management
As Main Contractor,
Watson & Cox provide inclusive
Project Management as a dedicated resource on each of our construction sites
Watson & Cox assume direct employment and engagement with construction workers, subcontractors, as well as individual self-employed workers or businesses involved in carrying out, managing, or overseeing projects.
Our long-standing and empowered staff have the skills, knowledge, experience and the organisational capability to carry out the work safely and without risk to health.
Watson & Cox recognise that contractors and the workers under their control are most at risk from injury and ill health from construction work, and we prioritise our role in planning, managing and monitoring their work to ensure any risks are control by carrying out the following:
Making sure that all workers have a suitable, site-specific Health & Safety and Environmental inductions
Providing appropriate supervision, information and instructions to workers under their control, and ensuring all subcontractors are supervised
Ensuring no work commences on site unless reasonable steps have been taken to prevent unauthorised access, and that suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start for workers under their control, and maintained throughout the construction phase
Making sure our Client is aware of the client duties under CDM 2015 before any work starts, and ensuring the Construction Phase Plan is drawn up before starting on site and maintained throughout the works
Planning, managing and monitoring all works carried out, taking into account the risks to anyone who might be affected by it (including members of the public) and the measures needed to protect them
Checking that all workers they employ or appoint have the skills, knowledge, training and experience to carry out the work
In addition, Watson & Cox Project Management staff will work closely with all subcontractors on site to coorindate their work with the work of others in the project team, including Designers and Specialists, via on-site briefings, information sharing, and coordination meetings