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Effecting change in our local community
13 yrs
average length of
service per employee
raised for charity by staff in 2022
of workforce live less than 10 miles
training days in 2022
Watson & Cox recognises that through our business activity we generate positive impact both socially and economically.
The community and local areas in which we work are an important part of Watson & Cox projects. We continue to invest in our people, the environment and the communities where we work, actively supporting charities and good causes.

Charity Work
Our staff take part in a variety of charity fundraising events annually raising much needed funds for both local charities and charities that are close to our hearts. These have included the London to Paris Bike Ride, Cycle for Cynthia, Yorkshire Peak Challenge, Macmillan Coffee Mornings and Christmas Jumper Days just to name a few.

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